- Helping her get ready for her date out of the house
- wash her
- apply lotion
- fill water bottle
- select outfit (lingerie)
- select perfume
- select lipstick color
- help her be on time
- Getting ready for a home date at our place
- Light candles
- change sheets/make bed
- mood lighting
- filled water bottles
- accessible lube/toys/oils
- dog out
- set ground rules for my participation in sex
- Make sure she’s safe
- Google shared location
- Destination address(es)
- Itinerary
- Stalking?
- Phone fully charged
- Honey-do list while she’s on her date
- laundry
- pruning / gardening
- clean kitchen
- website work
- everything needs to be done and perfect when she gets home so she doesn’t leave me, so she stays home/with me
- Rituals
- Aftercare
- Debriefing
- Healing
- Dirty talk
- Sex
- Blue pill?
- Drink?
- Smoke?
- No sex???!
- Cleaning
- Shower/no shower
- Scents
- Support her (some regret)
- Support me (some jealousy)
- Candle
- Aftercare
- Dinner for 1 (or sans wife (kids) )
- Contingency
- What if the date goes bad?
- Spouse’s responsibility to make sure the night is good after bad date
- Dinner for 2 ready
- Supporting
- Her ego
- Abuse?!
- Sex from the bench
- Cum drops
- What if the date goes bad?
- My emotions
- Butterflies
- Time goes by so slooooooooow
- bored
- anxious
- pacing
- waiting / watching the clock
- Horny
- Excited
- Anticipation
- Rules
- Safety Protocols
- Keep phone close and audible
- Never playing emotional/mental games
- Need to completely 100% have trust and faith
- Behavior in arguments is PARAMOUNT
- Turning off navigational tracking
- Mental/emotional abuse
- Immature
- Shows not ready
- Turning off navigational tracking
- Safety Protocols
- Cold feet
- Calling off date (mid-date) is not fair
- Intuition (regarding safety, etc.)
- First time?